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3 Fall Landscaping Mistakes to Avoid


Depending on whether you are planting, pruning, renovating your lawn, or adding irrigation, there are many reasons why fall is a prime season for landscape projects. One of the main benefits of landscaping in the fall is increased moisture and cooler temperatures. This weather is beneficial as it helps new plants become established and provides a good growing environment for new or renovated lawns. It is also a good time to think about irrigation and drainage as the increased rain will reveal problem areas where water is pooling.

Letting Leaves Pile Up

Rake and remove the leaves in the yard to avoid damage to the grass so you can enjoy a healthier lawn next summer. Doing so also can protect water quality. To make fallen leaves easier to transport, rake them onto a plastic tarp. Consider composting the leaves.

Not Properly Storing Your Tools

Tools make the hard work of gardening a little easier, so you should show them a little love before you store them away for the winter. Maintenance will help them work more effectively and last longer, and you’ll save the expense of having to replace them. Start by cleaning them—for hard-to-remove bits of mud and debris, a wire brush ought to do the trick. Use steel wool or fine sandpaper to take care of rust spots, and a file to restore the edge on shovels, pruners, and lawn-mower blades.

Forgetting to Feed the Lawn

Fall is the ideal time to give your lawn the TLC it needs after the heat and activity of summer and before the harsh winter months. Generally, cool-season grasses should be fertilized September through November and warm-season grasses should be fertilized a bit earlier.  Seed dead or bare spots and overseed the full lawn to get dense, plush grass, rich in color.

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to keeping your landscaping top-notch. For instance, autumn is a great time to plant trees, but a terrible time for pruning certain shrubs. Don’t wait until spring to find out that your fall garden maintenance did more harm than good.